The Ulhasnagar Crime Branch has arrested a man for allegedly attacking a 24-year-old man to death with sharp weapons over petty issues in Ulhasnagar early Sunday morning. The deceased has been identified as Pankaj Nikam, 24, who lived with his wife and daughter in Ulhasnagar.

According to the police, he went to the Shantinagar area to attend a program held by his brother-in-law. The arrested accused has been identified as Sachin Dighe alias Bablya, 24, a resident of the Shantinagar area in Ulhasnagar.

The incident occurred in the Shantinagar area of Ulhasnagar at 2 AM on Sunday when Nikam was riding his motorcycle to a medical shop to get some medicine as he was complaining of a cold and cough. He honked at the accused when he was on the road.

An escalation of a heated argument ensued between them. The accused took out a knife he was carrying and attacked Nikam’s head and throat. He suffered serious injuries and fell on the road. Following this, the accused, Dighe, fled the scene.

The locals rushed to the spot and found him lying in a pool of blood. They immediately alerted the police and his family members about the incident. The locals took him to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead upon arrival. However, initially, the police filed a murder case against an unknown accused.

Ashok Koli, of the Ulhasnagar Crime Branch police, said that they received information that the accused was about to flee and was waiting for a train in Kalyan.

They dispatched a team to Kalyan railway station, apprehended Sachin alias Bablya, brought him to the police station, and later handed him over to the Central Police for further investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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