In Numerology the universal years range from 1 to 9. This year, 2025 is a 9 universal year (2+0+2+5=9). There is a visible shift happening in the universe. We are moving from 2024, a powerful, crescendo of a year to 2025, a time when things will automatically find their climax/release and perhaps completion. What doesn’t serve in humanity’s best interest will either witness a major blowout or will quietly fall away only to finally end. 

The year 2026 will then witness the beginning of a new universal cycle with it being year 1. Hence, the period between 2024 to 2026 will witness a major shift in financial markets, commodity markets, bullion, etc. Political instability, insurgence, wars, etc, will erupt. Nations and governments the world over are urged to be responsible and work with integrity and compassion. Decisions based on greed and selfish interests will see an uprising as people will stand up for a better future. Emotions will run high. Change is in the air. Nature, too, will also take its course if not treated with respect and restraint.

In 2025, the Universe will offer an opportunity to detox and choose wisely. You will welcome new health regimes, habits, relationships and work. Do not force anything but stay open to the external environment naturally guiding us. Expect culminations and endings. The potent potential of this year is to stay grounded and focused on a new improved you. We are being readied for the new universal cycle that starts in 2026.

How to calculate PY number

Personal year number tells us the theme of our lives in 2025. Calculate your PY as per the calculation below and read your predictions. Remember your PY is a part of the larger universal year 9 (2025).

Birth Date + Birth Month + Universal Year = PY

Double-digit numbers are reduced to a single digit, which will be your personal year number for 2025 (if you have 11 or 22 in your birth date write them as is).

Calculation example: If your birth date is May 3, your calculation will be: 3 +5 (May) + 9 (2025) = 17 (reduced to 8).  It will be an 8 PY for you.

 PY 1: New beginnings, goals, ideas, initiatives

You will experience a new beginning in some or all areas of your life. You are starting a new 9-year cycle with this being your Year 1. The year 2025 is a great time to initiate new ideas and ambitions. Think carefully about the changes you want in your life — relationships, career, etc, and sow the seeds NOW! Let go of what is not working and imbibe what you need. Be courageous. Blaze forward with a new determined you. The year urges you to rethink ways of making yourself more productive in all areas of your life. You may want a new image makeover, keeping in line with the new you.

 PY 2: Co-operation, patience, partnerships

After running solo in 2024, the New Year will push you to focus on building and maintaining partnerships/relationships — business and personal. Tact and diplomacy are the key to your success. Listen to your gut for guidance, slow down, breathe and receive. In 2025, you will be extra sensitive with heightened intuition. Embrace your inner physic. Singles might meet someone new. Marriage may be on the cards for those seeking it. Maintaining your patience and balance in such an emotional year could be a challenge. You need to be authentic and not just to make peace.

 PY 11: The central theme is like the PY 2, but in a PY 11 your senses are heightened. An intuitive year to tap into this master energy potential and realise your visions and dreams. The challenge is to drive through your numerous ideas and dreams and to figure out what you can make a reality. This can be a transformative year for you.

 PY 3:  Self-expression, fun, communication, creativity

After dealing patiently with tricky relationships in 2024, the year 2025 will be a great time to be out there having fun with friends. Communication and creative expression are key. Share your inner desires, travel, broaden your horizons, radiate positivity and shine. Tune into your creativity and manifest your ideas to the world. Use your social connections, and social media to build your business, launch your website, write that book, etc. Your imagination is limitless. Both PY 3 and the UY 9 are creative, so express yourself by firing on all cylinders.

 PY4: Organisation, planning, details, focus

A PY 4 in a universal year 9 tells us that there is unlimited potential to be tapped with sheer hard work and focus. In 2025, concentrate on work to realise your true potential. Manifest your goals, create stability, security and a rock-solid foundation. Don’t be rigid and dogmatic. Efficiency is the key. Shortcuts will backfire. Pay extra attention to details and planning. Great year to buy a home or office space. Super year to go for that expansion, double your sales, and put up the next factory. Broaden your horizons. Remember life has to be enjoyed. 

PY 22: The year 2025 is like PY 4, but on a larger scale. It’s a master builder year. Put yourself out there. Think as big as you can and make it happen. International soils may beckon.

 PY 5: Change, opportunities, freedom, surprises, adventure

After 2024, you will feel like embracing change. Take that leap of faith. Get a new job, new relationship, explore new ways of living, travel, and do things never done before. Free yourselves from your bondages. Flexibility and adaptability are key to achieving new heights and unexplored territory. Time for transformation and calculated risk-taking. Many of you will seek freedom from conventions. Break the barriers and liberate yourselves.

 PY 6: Home, family, harmony, society, nurturing, marriage

After being all over the place, finally, home and hearth beckon. The year 2025 will be that of protection and harmony. Care and concern for your loved ones and society will ensure lasting relationships. Do not over-compensate to maintain peace. A great year for marriage, children, pets, and dependents. Strike a balance between your home and the outside world. All forms of beauty appeal in a big way. You will enjoy all material possessions. Compassion and love in your relationships will enhance your power and potential even more and make you more endearing to others. Enjoy your responsibilities, and heal yourself and others. Teamwork makes dream work. Collaborate. Focus on financial wealth and overall well-being.

 PY 7: Rest, rejuvenation, alone time, spiritual discoveries

You will feel that you have given too much of yourself to home and family in 2024. In 2025, you now need your downtime. PY 7 urges you to rest and rejuvenate your mind and body to reassess your internal, universal and spiritual beliefs. You will carefully analyze everything. Don’t be over-critical. Take your insights and inspirations and manifest them into real, practical, tangible growth. Be with nature. Books and mountains beckon. Be the bridge between your spiritual and material realms. Do this while juggling and balancing all your material and financial responsibilities and requirements. Find your balance and life’s purpose.

 PY 8: Manifestation, resources, leadership, goals, rewards

Suddenly, you feel that maybe you isolated yourself too much last year. You need to come back with full force and, thus 2025 will be a year of action. You will work hard to actualise your goals and dreams. A year for leadership and empowerment. Focus on work, building, creating, money, expansion and all commercial activity. You will utilise all kinds of resources to improve your financial standing and position. Create abundance for others and see it return manifold. You will become your most self-assured and powerful self, hence manifest, lead, direct, and super succeed.

 PY 9: Culmination, completion, release, universal love, wisdom

The Universe has come a full circle and you have come a full circle too. After being pushed and prodded to action to fulfil your dream in 2024, the new year you are urged to slow down and assess. Listen to your gut. The year 2025 will be one of completion, climax, and closure. Whatever needs to move ahead with you in your next cycle of 9 years will be retained and people/ things who have completed their journey will move on from your life this year. Make judicious decisions towards a better future. Let go. Old patterns or behaviours may cease to exist. It’s never easy, but know that it’s necessary.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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