Kitchen Hacks: When there is a change in the weather, sometimes food items become moldy. Due to which the item has to be thrown away. Gram flour is most affected by pests. If there is even a little moisture in the box, mold and germs start growing in it. People keep flour in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling. But if you do not want to keep the flour in the refrigerator, you can keep it fresh outside for a long time. If you follow some easy tips then there will never be any worm in the gram flour.


Tips for storing gram flour

keep the cloves

Keep some cloves in the gram flour container. By keeping cloves, the flour will not be affected by fungus or other insects and the taste of the flour will also not get spoiled.


Leaves of the Neem tree

Bitter neem leaves can be cleaned and kept in a gram flour container. Even the aroma of neem leaves will not kill the moths in gram flour.


Gram flour can also be protected from rust with the help of asafoetida. For this, make a vessel of asafoetida or keep pieces of asafoetida in a vessel of gram flour. The strong aroma of asafoetida will keep the gram flour free from insects for months.


airtight container

Always keep gram flour in an air tight container or glass jar. If you keep gram flour in a glass container, it will not absorb moisture and germs will not grow in it.

dry in the sun

While bringing gram flour, dry it thoroughly in the sun. Keeping gram flour in the sun will destroy the moisture inside it and then storing it will not spoil the gram flour.


If you are carrying more gram flour at once, then pack it in a small air tight bag. Then use the flour from each bag as needed. This way the gram flour will remain fresh and will not spoil.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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