The weather has started changing in the country, in this changing season it is common to get viral, like fever, cold, cough etc., due to which it is common to have sore throat and mucus formation, which gets cured with time, but if you repeatedly- If mucus builds up in the throat, it may be a sign of a serious underlying health problem. Let us know complete information about it_

allergic rhinitis

Allergies to dust, pollen, or other irritants can cause increased mucus production. It is often accompanied by symptoms like sneezing, runny nose and itching in the eyes.


Mucus may accumulate in the throat due to inflammation or infection in the sinuses. Sinusitis often causes headaches, nasal congestion, and pressure on the face, which causes discomfort.

parasitic infection

Some parasitic infections can cause mucus to form in the throat, which is usually accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea or stomach pain.

chronic bronchitis

Persistent mucus may be a sign of chronic bronchitis, which is often associated with smoking or exposure to pollution.

throat cancer

This is less common, but frequent spitting up can be a sign of throat cancer.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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