There was panic among the police and administration after the information about a road accident late night in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh. After the encounter of 3 terrorists in Pilibhit on Monday, the police ambulance van that left for Punjab carrying their bodies met with an accident. While passing through Rampur bypass, the ambulance was hit by an unknown vehicle, causing minor damage to the van. The police hurriedly sent the three bodies in another vehicle.
According to media reports, an unknown vehicle hit the ambulance on Rapmur bypass. It is fortunate that the Punjab Police employee and the driver narrowly escaped this accident. As soon as information about the accident was received, there was panic in the administration. All the top officials of the district reached the spot in the night itself. Immediately the damaged ambulance and the bodies were transferred to another ambulance and rushed to Punjab.
Let us tell you that 3 terrorists accused of grenade attack in Punjab have been killed in an encounter. This action took place on Monday morning in a joint operation of UP Police and Punjab Police. All three terrorists were members of Khalistani Commando Force.
Many weapons including two AK-47s have been recovered from them. They have been identified as Gurvinder Singh, Ravi and Jaspreet. Some time ago, these three had attacked the Gurdaspur police post in Punjab with a grenade.