Snowfall continued in the hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh for the second consecutive day on Tuesday. Snowfall is occurring in other high altitude areas of Shimla including Kufri, Narkanda, Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti. People’s lives have been affected due to this snowfall. Many roads in the district have been blocked due to which the transport system has become problematic.


Apart from blocking roads due to snowfall, hundreds of transformers have also been damaged, due to which power supply has also been disrupted in many areas. The system is engaged in relief work. But due to continuous snowfall, the relief work is getting delayed. According to the report of Himachal Pradesh Emergency Centre, a total of 174 roads including three major national highways have been completely closed due to snowfall in various areas of the state. Maximum 89 roads are closed in Shimla district. Which includes roads in upper areas. Two national highways in Kullu and one in Lahaul Spiti had to be closed. Electricity supply in the state has also been affected due to snowfall and storm. At least 683 transformers have failed, leaving thousands of homes without electricity. There is an atmosphere of happiness among the tourists due to snowfall.

About 1,000 small vehicles got stuck

Due to snowfall, more than 300 buses and about a thousand small vehicles are stranded on the roads at various places including Manali. About four thousand people are also trapped in these vehicles and efforts were made by the system to rescue them.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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