The registration and choice-filling deadline for Bihar NEET UG 2024 is today, December 25. Seat allotment will be based on factors such as vacant seats, candidates’ NEET UG ranks, reservation categories, and seat availability in specific colleges. Candidates can complete the choice-filling process on the official website at
To participate in the special stray vacancy round 3 counseling for Bihar NEET UG 2024, candidates must log in using their user ID and password. After the choice-filling process concludes, the seat allotment result for this round will be announced, considering factors like vacant seats, candidates’ NEET UG ranks, reservation categories, and college seat availability.
The Bihar NEET UG 2024 special stray vacancy round 3 seat allotment result will be declared on December 27. Candidates can download their seat allotment letters from the official website starting December 27.
Steps to Fill Choices:
Select Your Preferences
Choose your preferred colleges and courses from the list. You can select multiple options and arrange them in your desired order. You can make changes, add new choices, or delete existing ones before locking your choices.
Set Priority Order
The order of your choices shows your preference. For example, if you choose College A > College B > College C, the system will first try to allocate you a seat in College A. If unavailable, it will check College B, and so on. Focus on colleges and courses where you have a good chance of admission based on your NEET UG rank and past cut-offs.
Lock Your Choices
Once you’re satisfied with your selections, lock your choices. After locking, no changes can be made. Take a printout of your locked choices for future reference.
Shortlisted candidates must visit their allotted colleges for document verification and admission between December 27 and December 29, 2024.