Four people suffered serious injuries after being hit by a car in Ulhasnagar early Tuesday morning. The incident took place at Venus Chowk in Ulhasnagar at 5 AM on Tuesday when a car heading from Dhule to Ulhasnagar hit an auto rickshaw driver and a biker.

The four injured have been identified as Dashrath More, a rickshaw driver; Deepak Patkar, a biker; Tanwar Bhavsar, a car driver; and Mohit Jain, who was sitting beside a car.

According to the police, Tanwar, who was driving a car while his friend Jain was sitting in the car, was heading towards Ulhanagar, allegedly hit an auto rickshaw, and then hit a biker before later crashing into an electric pole on the road.

The accident was very intense, which led to a car being mangled, and both individuals were feared to be stuck in the car. Meanwhile, the other two fell onto the road with injuries.

The locals rushed to the scene and found two persons trapped in the car very badly. They alerted the local police about the incident.

The locals managed to pull them from the car and took them to a nearby hospital, where their condition was critical, while the auto rickshaw driver and biker were stable. They all were being treated at hospital.

Rohini Patil, Police Sub Inspector from Vithalwadi police station, said, “We have collected a blood sample from the car driver and sent it to the laboratory for examination to determine whether he was under the influence of alcohol.

So far, two individuals are in serious condition and have been admitted to a hospital, while two others are out of danger. We conducted a panchanama of the scene and recorded the statements of eyewitnesses regarding the accident. Further investigation is ongoing.”

The police said a case was lodged under various sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita and the relevant sections of the Motor Vehicle Act.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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