South superstar Allu Arjun’s bouncer, Anthony, was arrested in connection with the Sandhya theatre stampede case in Hyderabad on Tuesday. He has been accused of organising the team of bouncers for the Pushpa 2 premiere event on December 4, and even pushing fans outside the theatre, thus exacerbating the stampede.
As per reports, authorities suspect that Anthony may have a key role in the commotion which led to the stampede that killed a woman and gravely injured her minor son.
This comes hours after Allu Arjun was interrogated by the cops at Hyderabad’s Chikkadpally Police Station on Tuesday. The actor reached the police station around 11 am, and he was grilled for almost four hours by the cops in the stampede case.
Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13 in connection with the stampede case, and after spending a night in jail, he returned home the next day.