A shocking case has come to light from Kalyan in Maharashtra. Where a software engineer pressured his wife Pierre to bring Rs 15 lakh and have physical relations with the office boss. It is said that when the wife refused, the husband beat her and divorced her thrice and threw her out of the house.
The victim lives in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar area and was married to a software engineer living in the high profile area of Kalyan in January this year. Everything was normal for several months after the marriage. But after a few days, the husband started harassing the wife to get Rs 15 lakh from Pierre. He said he needed money to divorce his first wife.
Gave triple talaq to wife
According to media reports, it is alleged that the husband forced his wife to have physical relations with his boss at an office party. When his wife refused, he beat her and in anger gave her triple talaq and threw her out of the house. The victim lodged a complaint at Sambhaji Nagar police station on 19 December. He was transferred to Bajarpeth police station in Kalyan on December 20. The police have registered a case against the accused husband under the Muslim Women Protection of Marriage Act and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The police have started investigation and
It is said that the matter is being investigated seriously. There is an atmosphere of anger among the local people and strict action is being demanded against the accused.