Today is Tuesday, December 24, 2024. This day is the ninth date of Krishna Paksha of Paush month, which will last till 07:53 pm. After this Dashami Tithi will begin. On this day, Moon will be in Virgo and Hasta Nakshatra. Also, the combination of Shobhana Yoga will make the day special.
Auspicious time of 24 December 2024
- Navami Tithi of Paush Krishna Paksha: Till 07:53 pm.
- Dashami Tithi: After 07:53 pm.
- Shobhana Yoga: Till 08:54 pm.
- Hasta Nakshatra: Till 12:17 pm.
- Mercury enters Jyestha Nakshatra: 08:26 am.
- Amrit Kaal Muhurta: 06:06 AM to 07:42 AM.
- Twilight Muhurta: 06:23 PM to 07:25 PM.
- Vijay Muhurta: 02:23 pm to 03:25 pm.
- Nishith Muhurta: 11:41 pm to 12:20 am.
- Brahma Muhurta: 04:03 AM to 05:08 AM.
Rahukaal (inauspicious time)
Avoid doing any auspicious work during Rahukaal.
- Delhi: 02:55 pm to 04:12 pm.
- Mumbai: 03:22 pm to 04:45 pm.
- Chandigarh: 02:54 pm to 04:10 pm.
- Lucknow: 02:42 pm to 04:00 pm.
- Bhopal: 03:00 PM to 04:20 PM.
- Kolkata: 02:17 pm to 03:37 pm.
- Ahmedabad: 03:19 pm to 04:39 pm.
- Chennai: 03:19 pm to 04:24 pm.
sunrise and sunset time
- Sunrise: 07:10 am.
- Sunset: 05:29 pm.
importance of almanac
The Hindu calendar, also known as the Vedic calendar, is used for accurate calculation of time and period. It mainly consists of five parts (Tithi, Nakshatra, Vaar, Yoga and Karana).
Panchang includes auspicious time, Rahukaal, sunrise-sunset time, position of planets and other important information.