MUMBAI: The high court on Thursday warned the state police that a Muslim man traveling with his family in a Mumbai-bound train was forced to chant Jaishree Ram and will be held responsible for conspiring to cause the Kankavali accident. .

It is noteworthy that in the month of January, Asif Shaikh boarded a passenger train from Kankavli in Sindhudurg district and was going to Chembur. During the journey, eight students, including a girl, started creating a ruckus in the train and Shaikh’s two daughters became nervous, asking the students not to make noise. When Sheikh was speaking in Hindi, the students asked him his religion.

Asif alleges that Hindu students, claiming to be Muslims, harassed his family by making comments about religion. The mob also forced his family to chant Jai Shri Ram. Jayashree Ram is accused of saying that people who do not speak have no right to live in India and should go to Pakistan.

The court was holding periodic hearings and monitoring the investigation as BJP leader Nitish Rane was also accused of beating up a Muslim youth to file a case against the students.

On Wednesday, Sheikh’s lawyer told the court that his client would return to Kankavali hometown and was afraid of being attacked by Rane or others. The court had orally ordered the state police to provide 24-hour police protection to Sheikh when he reached Kankavli.

However, on Thursday, Sheikh’s lawyer told the court that Sheikh survived the fatal accident despite a police protection order. On reaching Kankavali station, the constable escorted Shaikh home. But was missing for more than four hours. When Sheikh went to bring milk, suddenly a car came behind him and tried to hit him. However, Shaikh saved his life by jumping to the side of the road. When he tried to inform the local police about the incident, he was sent back asking him to come later.

While hearing this, the court asked the government lawyer whether the verbal order was given properly or not, what is happening? Our order not delivered? The court asked this question. The government lawyer said that the order has been given but cognizance will have to be taken on the negligence of the police. The court made it clear that we will hold the officer responsible.

The Chief Public Prosecutor has to personally convey the order to the officer and if anything happens to the applicant, that officer will be held responsible. Also tell the Superintendent that he will also be held responsible. If that person dies, everyone will be held responsible, the court said in the order. The court has kept the hearing after the Christmas holidays.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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