The fourth Test of the Border-Gavaskar series between India and Australia will be played at the prestigious Melbourne Cricket Ground. India’s tension has increased before the start of this match, where KL Rahul, who troubled the Kangaroo bowlers throughout the series, got injured during practice. A video of him is going viral on social media, in which he is seen taking treatment from the team physio while practicing in the nets.


Rahul’s hand got hurt

It is seen in the video that Rahul has some problem in his right hand and he is undergoing treatment. There is currently no information about how serious his injury is and how long he will remain out. At present, the medical team of the Indian team is evaluating Rahul’s injury. Team India hopes that his injury is not too serious because this star batsman has been rocking in the entire series. Rahul has so far scored two half-centuries in three matches against the Kangaroo team.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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