Television actress Alisha Parveen, who was seen as Aadhya in Rupali Ganguly’s popular daily soap Anupamaa, has been replaced by the makers. The news of her exit has come as a shock to the ardent fans of the TV show. On Saturday (December 21), Alisha claimed that she replaced by another actress with prior intimation. She also stated that she was ‘shocked’ to know that she won’t be a part of the show. Reportedly, the role will now be played by actress Adrija Roy, who was seen in Imlie.

Alisha also clarified that she did not quit the show after several media reports stated that it was her decision to bid adieu to Anupamaa.

Taking to her Instagram account, Alisha wrote, “Hello everyone, I didn’t quit the show #Aupama but I don’t know the reason exactly why this happened, everything was good but I don’t know why this suddenly happened, it was shocking for me too.”

She further expressed gratitude to her fans. “But thankyou so much for loving Raahi/Aadhya, I am so grateful to being a part of this show, I worked so hard for the character but I don’t know what just happened, just thankyou everyone who loved me! I will miss this show from depth of my heart,” she added.

Earlier this month, actor Gaurav Khanna, who played the role of Anuj in the show, also announced his exit.

Post the 15-year leap in Anupamaa, several central characters had quit the show, including Sudhanshu Pandey, Nidhi Shah, Madalsa Sharma, Shivam Saxena, Gaurav Sharma, Kunwar Amar, and others.

However, Rupali Ganguly continues to play the titular role in the show, and at present, it revolves around her character and her grandkids.

A few months ago, reports of tension on the sets of Anupamaa had also surfaced online, and while the actors did not directly address it, Sudhanshu, Nidhi and other former co-stars of Rupali on the show hinted at politics and rivalries on the sets.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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