Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a horrifying incident at Purva Waterfall in Rewa, a young couple was assaulted, stripped naked, filmed, and robbed by four miscreants. The video of the incident was later circulated on social media, prompting outrage and police intervention.

According to police sources, the incident occurred 5-6 days ago at the popular picnic spot. Preliminary investigations reveal that the perpetrators targeted the couple while they were alone. They initially demanded money and harassed the woman. After snatching the cash in her possession, the miscreants demanded more.

When the couple was unable to meet their demands, the assailants resorted to stripping them naked and filming the ordeal. The miscreants allegedly threatened to ruin their lives by making the video viral, ignoring the couple’s desperate pleas for mercy.

police said that such heinous acts will not be tolerated. We are using all available resources, including the viral video, to trace and arrest the perpetrators.

Although the victims were yet to lodge a formal complaint, the police have taken cognizance of the matter following the circulation of the video and have launched an investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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