The Bazarpeth police in Kalyan have booked a case against a father-in-law for allegedly attacking his son-in-law with an acid-like substance (battery water) over a heated argument about honeymoon plans on Wednesday night.The accused, Zaki Khotal, and the injured son-in-law, Ibad Falke, both residents of Kalyan, are involved in the incident. The police have launched a manhunt for Khotal. According to the police, Falke married the daughter of the accused six months ago.
The police stated that the father-in-law wanted Falke to visit Mecca and Medina with his daughter first. However, Falke did not want to go to Mecca, as he had already decided to go to Kashmir for his honeymoon. For the past few days, Khotal had been insisting that he should go to Mecca and Medina for prayer first, but Falke did not pay attention to his wishes.
The incident occurred at Lal Chowki in Kalyan when Ibad was returning home and met his father-in-law, Khotal. The two got into a heated argument over the Mecca-Madina issue, which escalated. In a fit of rage, Khotal attacked Falke with an acid-like chemical carried in a plastic bottle. Locals rushed to the spot and later informed the police about the incident. Falke was admitted to a nearby hospital, where he received treatment.
“We have formed a team to trace the accused. Based on a lead from the tower location, our team was dispatched to Hyderabad,” said Senior Police Inspector Sureshsing Gaud from the Bazarpeth police station.