A video from Kanpur district is going viral on social media, in which SP MLA from Sisamau Assembly Naseem Solanki can be seen folding his hands in front of Mayor Pramila Pandey. The MLA was asking for a seven-day extension to stop the encroachment removal process, but the Mayor flatly refused and immediately ordered the use of bulldozers. The video of this conversation between the Mayor and the MLA has now become a topic of discussion.

Action to remove encroachment on drain

The Municipal Corporation team arrived with bulldozers and officers on Friday to remove the encroachment on the drain in Sisamau assembly constituency of Kanpur. Kanpur’s BJP Mayor Pramila Pandey herself was also present in this action.
Recently, a girl died after falling into the same drain, after which the Municipal Corporation swung into action and issued an order to remove the encroachment.

When MLA Naseem Solanki got information about this action, she reached the spot and started urging the Mayor to stop the action. In the video, the MLA was seen folding his hands in front of the Mayor and asking for seven days’ extension, but the Mayor refused to give him any time.

Heated conversation between mayor and MLA

According to TV-9 Bharatvarsha report, when the MLA asked for extension, Mayor Pramila Pandey said:

“You go, people will put pressure on you if you stay here. I join your hands, but I will not give you even a second. It is a case of child’s death, action will be taken.”

After this the Mayor ordered to use the bulldozer. The video of this entire conversation is now becoming increasingly viral on social media.

Anger increased after the death of the girl

A few days ago, a girl died tragically after falling into a drain in Sisamau assembly constituency. This incident had spread tremendous anger among the local people. As soon as information about the incident was received, there was panic in the Municipal Corporation and orders were immediately issued to remove the encroachment.

When the team arrived on Friday to remove the encroachment, the local people protested against it and called SP MLA Naseem Solanki.

Mayor’s strict stance on MLA’s request

Mayor Pramila Pandey’s stance remained very strict during this action. He made it clear to the MLA that any kind of delay will not be tolerated after the death of the girl.
He said:

“This action is necessary after the death of the girl. I cannot give any kind of time to accept your request.”

Video went viral, Mayor’s stance in discussion

The video of the conversation between Mayor Pramila Pandey and MLA Naseem Solanki has gone viral on social media. While some people are appreciating this strict decision of the Mayor, some people are considering it to be a part of political tussle.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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