Actress and Bigg Boss 2 contestant Sambhavna Seth and her husband, Avinash Dwivedi, recently shared the heartbreaking news of their miscarriage in their recent vlog, revealing that she was three months pregnant after multiple failed IVF attempts.

In the vlog, Avinash was heard saying, that they have been through this for a long time and it happened again. He shared that his wife, Sambhavana, was pregnant recently, when they went for a scan, hoping their baby would be fine.

“We had a scan and planned to share the news with everyone. Everything seemed fine, and we were hopeful that this journey would be successful. The baby’s heartbeat was there, but in the latest scan, the doctors couldn’t find it. No one could determine why this happened,” he said.

Check out the video:

Sambhavna, who was seen getting emotional, said that she had to take 65 injections over 3 months, which was very painful. “I didn’t know I would have to take so many injections. It was very painful. I did everything and took all precautions that were required of me to have this baby,: she said.

Avinash further added that it was painful for him to see his wife going through it. “She would get injected 2-3 times every day. We had invested mentally, physically, and financially, trying our best. Doctors were shocked, seeing the reports, and thought we might be having twins. We were just hoping to get pregnant and doctors were talking about twins.”

Earlier today, sharing the loss, the duo wrote, “Life gave us hope and joy for a little one we couldn’t wait to meet. But today, I share with a heavy heart that we’ve faced a miscarriage. The pain is indescribable, but we are holding on to each other and the love around us. Thank you for your understanding and prayers during this time. ~Avinash.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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