Terrorists carried out a grenade attack on Bakshiwala police post in Gurdaspur district of Punjab on Monday night. Terrorist organization Khalistan Zindabad Force has taken responsibility for this incident. This attack is the seventh grenade attack in the last one month, in which police stations and posts are being targeted. However, due to the post being closed, there was no loss of life or property in this attack.
attack information
- The terrorists came in an auto and fled after throwing a grenade at the Bakshiwala police post.
- Khalistan Zindabad Force has claimed responsibility for the attack through a social media post.
- It was written in the post that this attack was carried out under the leadership of Jathedar Bhai Ranjit Singh Jammu and under the supervision of Bhai Jaswinder Singh Bagi alias Manu Agwan.
The terrorist organization warned that those speaking against the Sikh community in Punjab and other states would be responded to with such attacks.
Search operation of security agencies
After the attack, Gurdaspur Police completely sealed the post and its surrounding area.
- Dog squad and forensic teams were deployed on the spot.
- The bomb disposal squad investigated and collected evidence.
NIA had alerted
Amidst the increasing terrorist attacks in Punjab, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had already issued an alert of major attacks in the state.
- NIA had recently raided eight places in Punjab.
- In these raids, equipment made in China related to terrorist organizations was recovered, which are used in artificial intelligence based blasts.
- The report has also revealed the nexus between ISI and terrorist organizations.
In the report submitted to Punjab Police, NIA said that terrorist organizations like Khalistan Tiger Force and Babbar Khalsa International can target police stations and major institutions.
Instructions to tighten security
In view of the continuous grenade attacks in Punjab, the Police Headquarters has given instructions to strengthen the security:
- Police station gates closed after 10 pm:
- All police stations in the state have been ordered to keep their gates closed after 10 pm.
- Deploying Special Security Force:
- Special Security Group personnel are being deployed in police stations and posts.
- Safety measures:
- The walls of police stations are being raised.
- CCTV cameras are being installed.
- District police headquarters have been instructed to further tighten security arrangements.
Increasing terrorist threat in Punjab
This incident marks the seventh terrorist attack in Punjab in the last 25 days. Police are continuously being targeted in these attacks. Terrorist organizations are trying to spread unrest in Punjab with the help of ISI.