The Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) on Thursday announced plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic Wankhede Stadium here from January 12 to 19. A special logo was unveiled by the association here at the stadium during a function by the MCA officials and its apex council members.

“Built in 1974, Wankhede Stadium stands as one of the world’s most iconic cricketing venues, having witnessed monumental moments in cricket history. From Sachin Tendulkar’s final international match in 2013 to India’s historic 2011 ODI World Cup triumph, the stadium has been home to countless memories,” the governing body said.

There will be multiple functions on different days to mark the celebrations while a special postal stamp will also be released. Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis and former MCA president and ex BCCI treasurer Ashish Shelar will also be felicitated during the eight-day event.

A cricket match will be held between MCA officials and Consul Generals and government officials on January 12. “We are going to felicitate all the MCA groundmen and host a lunch for them because they are like unsung heroes. There are also a few others like security people of the MCA who have been working for long time and the MCA staff, we are going to felicitate everybody on January 15,” president Ajinkya Naik said.

A coffee table book will be launched on January 19 along with a music show from Ajay-Atul. Since free entry cannot be facilitated owing to anticipation of a big crowd turnout as witnessed in the past, the fans will have to purchase tickets priced at Rs 300 for the event, which will also have several current and former Mumbai and India players along with Bollywood celebrities on January 19.

Meanwhile, Naik also confirmed that the governing body will celebrate legendary Sunil Gavaskar’s 75th birthday after a date is confirmed.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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