Bollywood actress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut lashed out at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for allegedly ‘attacking’ her party’s MPs in the Parliament. On Thursday, a dramatic scene unfolded outside Parliament as BJP MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi alleged that Rahul had pushed an MP, causing an injury. In response, Rahul refuted the claims, accusing BJP MPs of obstructing and pushing him as he attempted to enter the Parliament.

Reacting to the incident, Kangana slammed Rahul and claimed that some BJP MPs received stitches amid the scuffle.

“This is shameful. One of our MPs has received stitches also. The lies they (Congress) have spread about Dr BR Ambedkar or the Constitution have been busted every time. Their violence has today reached the Parliament,” she said.

Later, she took to her Instagram story and called Rahul a ‘gym trainer’.

“BJP MPs were attacked by Rahul Gandhi today in the Parliament, this man comes like a gym trainer to the Parliament flexing biceps and now he started to push and punch people as well. Rahul Gandhi is a disgrace,” the actress-politician wrote.

What is the controversy?

The controversy arose after Home Minister Amit Shah, during a speech in Parliament, made remarks about Congress’ frequent invocation of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Shah accused the Congress of using Ambedkar’s name as a political tool, stating, it has become a ‘fashion’ for Congress to take Ambedkar’s name.

He further added a provocative comment: “If they had taken the name of God so many times instead of Ambedkar, they would have secured heaven for seven lives.”

The statement sparked backlash, with critics accusing Shah of disrespecting Ambedkar’s legacy and reducing the significance of his contributions to a mere political jibe.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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