Sanju Samson was not selected in the Kerala team for Vijay Hazare Trophy 2024. After which now the captaincy has also been lost from his hands. Sanju Samson, who captained Rajasthan Royals in IPL, has suffered a big shock. Earlier, Sanju was seen captaining the Kerala team in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy. However, the team’s performance under his captaincy was not anything special. Actually, Sanju Samson did not participate in the practice camp of Kerala team before the tournament, due to which he suffered a big loss.


Sanju Samson told the reason

According to the report, Sanju Samson has told the Kerala Cricket Association the reason for not coming to the practice camp. However, even after this he was not included in the team nor was he made the captain. The KCA included only those players who participated in the practice camp. In place of Sanju, Salman Nizar will now be seen captaining the Kerala team in the Vijay Hazare Trophy.




Games will be seen in IPL 2025

Sanju Samson will once again be seen captaining Rajasthan Royals in IPL 2025. Before the mega auction, the franchise decided to retain the player. However, not being able to play in the Vijay Hazare Trophy could be a big setback for Sanju in future tournaments.





entire team of kerala

Salman Nizar (captain), Ajnas M (wicketkeeper), Anand Krishnan, A Imran, Rohan Kunumal, Shaun Roger, Krishna Prasad, Jalaj Saxena, A Sarawate, Sijoman J, Basil Thampi, Basil NP, Nidhish MT, Eden Tom, Sharafuddin, A Scaria, Vishweshwar, Vaishakh Chandran.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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