If you are dreaming of earning big profits in less money, then Napier Grass Farming can be a great business idea for you. In this business, lakhs of rupees can be earned in a few months with low expenses. Napier grass is not only nutritious fodder for animals, but it also has many other uses. Let us know how Napier grass is cultivated and how you can earn good income from it.

Why is Napier grass special?

Napier grass, also known as elephant grass, is considered very beneficial for milch animals. Consuming it improves the health of animals and also increases milk production. Not only this, once sown, Napier grass can be harvested for 5 to 10 years, thereby providing fodder to the farmers for a long time.

Uses of Napier grass:

  1. Animal Feed: This grass is rich in nutrients for milking animals.
  2. CNG and coal production: Work is going on on the technology of making CNG and coal from Napier grass.
  3. Can be grown on barren land: This grass grows easily even on the ridges and barren land of the fields.

How to cultivate Napier grass?

1. Right season and time:

Napier grass can be cultivated in any season, winter, summer, or rainy.

  • Best time of sowing: Between July-October and February-March.

2. Sowing is done from stalk:

  • There are no seeds: Napier grass is sown from stalks (Napier sticks).
  • Stalk distance: Stalks are planted in the field at a distance of 1.5 to 2 feet.
  • Stalks required: About 4000 stalks are required for one bigha field.

3. Care:

  • Water requirement: Regular watering is necessary.
  • Time to harvest: The grass is ready for harvesting in 20-25 days after sowing.

Earning Mathematics:

1. Production per acre:

Napier grass produces about 300 to 400 quintals of grass in one acre.

2. Earning by selling stalks:

  • You can also earn good income by selling Napier grass stalks.
  • In many states, subsidy is also given for its cultivation.

3. Right place to earn:

  • Napier grass can be cultivated in states like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh.

Benefits of Napier Grass:

  1. Long term fodder availability: Once sown, fodder is available for 5-10 years.
  2. Low costs, high profits: Profits accrue in the long run after initial costs.
  3. Less Care: It does not require special care to grow it.
  4. Yield in all seasons: It can be cultivated in any season.
  5. Nutritious fodder for animals: Helps in improving the health of animals and increasing milk production.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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