International Space Station: A bright UFO has been seen passing near the International Space Station (ISS). X has two handles that claim the space station is being stalked by an alien craft. In view of this, NASA has stopped the live stream from the space station.

NASA stopped live stream

Till now no country has developed any technology to launch drones in space. Therefore it cannot be said that these are space drones. People watched this light in live stream for about 40 minutes. Then NASA stopped the live stream.

Now on this incident, X handle @JimFerguonUK wrote, NASA stopped the live stream after seeing the UFO. An hour ago, NASA suddenly stopped the live stream. And then a mysterious spaceship appears on camera. The speed of this footage has been increased slightly. A UFO is seen crossing the entire screen and disappearing into the darkness. Jim asked, “What if drones don’t work in space?” Why did NASA stop live streaming? Is NASA hiding something? Nor does He want us to see all these things. Jim’s tweet received 1.9 million views. Has been shared more than 2 thousand times.

It was first shared by the handle X named @Truthpolex. It got 3.34 lakh views. It was shared about 403 times.

What did NASA say last year?

Last September, NASA said, “We do not know what UFOs or UAPs are.” But Atli knows for sure that it has nothing to do with the other world. However, the evidence we have does not suggest that the UAP has any extraterrestrial connection. We will study it. We will study scientifically.

NASA will study whether there are environmental conditions in which UAPs form around Earth or in its atmosphere. It is also possible that aliens or UFOs may be the result of some changes in the sky due to our air traffic management.


NASA promised that we will search for these aliens or UFOs scientifically. Take help from technical experts. The sighting of aliens or UFOs has always been a subject of debate and controversy. America has started calling UFOs by a different name ‘UAP – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena’. NASA formed a team to study it last year.

Problem due to lack of proper photo-video

The lack of high quality images or videos makes these UFOs even more difficult to understand. Often it is not clear whether the object is an aircraft or a natural phenomenon. Then NASA formed a team of 16 people. The team includes scientific aeronautics and data analytical experts.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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