According to astrology, the month of December 2024 is going to be very special due to zodiac change and constellation change. Exactly 5 days after Dhan Sankranti, the very auspicious Navapancham Yoga of Vedic Astrology is being formed, which is being formed by two very auspicious planets Venus and Jupiter. Both these planets provide good luck, prosperity, wealth and happiness. Both these auspicious planets are forming Navapancham Yoga from 20th December 2024.
What is Navapancham Yoga?
Navapancham Yoga is a very auspicious yoga in Vedic astrology. When two planets are situated in the ninth (9th) and fifth (5th) houses from each other, then it is a very auspicious yoga. According to the mathematical calculations of Vedic astrology, Navapancham Yoga occurs when two auspicious planets are 120 and 240 degrees away from each other. This yoga is associated with knowledge, luck, religion and prosperity and infuses positive energy into a person’s life.