The problem of dandruff becomes common as the winter season approaches. Dry scalp causes dandruff and itching in the head, which is very irritating at times. This problem increases further in winter due to washing hair with hot water, loss of scalp moisture and accumulation of dust. If you are not getting relief even after repeatedly applying anti-dandruff shampoo, then this time use special household oil, which will eliminate the problem of dandruff and itching.

Why does dandruff increase in winter?

  1. Washing hair with hot water:
    • Hot water eliminates the natural oil of the scalp, causing the scalp to become dry.
  2. Oiling incorrectly:
    • People apply oil to their hair to get rid of scalp dryness, but accumulation of dust and dirt on the oil increases the problem of itching and dandruff.

Effective oil remedy to get rid of dandruff

To overcome the problem of dandruff and itching, these 3 things will be needed:

  1. mustard oil
  2. Taramira Oil (Jamba Oil)
  3. small piece of alum

Home Remedy: How to make oil mixture?

  1. For short hair:
    • Take 2 spoons of mustard oil.
    • Add 1 teaspoon Taramira oil (Jamba oil) in it.
    • Add a small piece of alum in it and mix it well.
  2. For big hair:
    • Prepare by increasing the amount of oil.
  3. Apply this mixture thoroughly on the scalp and massage gently.
  4. Leave it for 1-2 hours.
  5. After this wash the hair with soft anti-dandruff shampoo.

Benefits of this oil

  1. Mustard Oil:
    • It provides moisture to the scalp and removes dryness.
    • Antibacterial properties present in mustard oil eliminate dandruff and itching.
  2. Taramira Oil (Jamba Oil):
    • It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which remove the dirt and fungus accumulated on the scalp.
    • It keeps the scalp healthy and clean.
  3. Alum:
    • The antiseptic properties of alum protect the scalp from infection.
    • It helps to eliminate dandruff and itching quickly.

Dandruff will go away with regular use

Using this home remedy 1-2 times a week will remove dryness of the scalp and eliminate the problem of dandruff. This remedy not only maintains the moisture of the hair but also makes it healthy and strong.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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