CBI today arrested CGST Inspector of Tirupati GST Commissionerate alongwith representative of a Chittoor based private firm for demanding and accepting Rs. 3.2 lakh as bribe from accused representative of the said private firm.
CBI registered a case on 17.12.2024 against four accused including Assistant Commissioner, Superintendent & Inspector, all of the O/o. Commissioner of Central Tax, Tirupati GST Commissionerate, Tirupati and a Representative of Chittoor based private firm & unknown public & private persons on allegations of demanding and bribing of public servants for extending undue favours to the above company and other parties.
It was alleged that public servants, in connivance with each other, were inspecting the premises of various establishments, firms, companies etc. and collecting various documents. Subsequently, they were allegedly calling the owners of the firms to attend CGST Office, Tirupati and demanding illegal gratification in order to show undue favour to them.
On 05.11.2024, said accused Inspector visited the premises of said firm alongwith other officials and collected documents, about which he informed accused Assistant Commissioner and accused Superintendent. Further, accused Inspector demanded Rs. 10 lakh from accused representative of Chittoor based private firm to settle the matter of the said firm allegedly found to be working from the premises of another firm.
CBI laid a trap and accused Inspector and accused representative of the said private firm were intercepted today while the transaction of bribe took place between them and the bribe amount of Rs. 3.2 lakh was recovered from the said Inspector, O/o. Commissioner of Central Tax, Tirupati GST Commissionerate, Tirupati.
Accused Inspector, Central Tax and accused representative of Chittoor based private firm have been arrested. They will be produced before the Hon’ble Special Judge for CBI Cases, Kurnool on 18.12.2024.
Searches are being conducted in Tirupati and Kadapa at the residential and office premises of the accused and certain incriminating documents have been recovered so far.
The case investigation is under progress.