Actress Sonakshi Sinha recently hit back at Mukesh Khanna for questioning his upbringing and blamed her father, veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha, for her inability to answer a Ramayana-related question on Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 in 2019. Now, Khanna has responded, stating that he was ‘surprised’ it took Sonakshi so long to react.

Mukesh told News9, “I knew I was antagonising her by taking her name from that incident in the famous Kaun Banega Crorepati show. But I had no malicious intention to malign her or her father, who is my senior, and I have a very cordial relationship with him,” Mukesh Khanna told News9.

Further, Mukesh clarified that his remarks were aimed at addressing today’s Gen-Z generation, who have become ‘slaves’ to today’s Google world and phones. He added that their knowledge is limited to Wikipedia and social interactions on YouTube.

“Here I had a Hi-Fi case in front of me of her which I could use to teach others. Fathers, sons, daughters,” the actor continued.

“We have a huge and vast knowledge preserved in our culture, Sanskriti and history which every youth of today should know. And not only know but also feel proud about it. That’s all,” he concluded.

Here’s what Mukesh Khanna said

In an interview with, Siddharth Kannan, Khanna talked about how Sonakshi was not able to answer a question related to Ramayana. He said, “Luv Kush is the name of their bungalow. People got angry, ‘She doesn’t know’. I said it’s not Sonakshi’s fault; it’s her father’s fault. Why did you not tell your kids? Why did you let them be so modern?”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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