Wayanad MP and Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi, who came under attack from BJP leaders after she turned up in Parliament on Monday carrying a bag emblazoned with ‘Palestine,’ arrived at Parliament with a different bag on Tuesday. This time, the bag highlighted the plight of Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh, minorities in the neighboring country who have come under attack from the majority community following the fall of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
A photo of Priyanka Gandhi has surfaced on social media. In the picture, Priyanka can be seen carrying two handbags, one of which has the text “Bangladesh… stand with Hindus and Christians” written on it.
Yesterday, Priyanka Gandhi faced criticism from BJP leaders after she was seen carrying a tote bag with the word ‘Palestine’ on it.
BJP leader Amit Malviya criticised Priyanka, saying, “At the end of this Parliament session, observe a two-minute silence for everyone in the Congress who believed Priyanka Vadra was the long-awaited solution they should have embraced earlier. She is a bigger disaster than Rahul Gandhi, who thinks that carrying a bag in support of Palestine in Parliament is about fighting patriarchy. That’s right—crass communal virtue signaling to Muslims is now cloaked as a stance against patriarchy!”
He further added, “Make no mistake, Congress is the new Muslim League.”
Priyanka Gandhi raises Bangladesh issue in Parliament
“The first issue I want to discuss is that this government should raise its voice against the atrocities committed against the Hindu and Christian minorities in Bangladesh, it should hold talks with them and take their support…,” said Priyanka Gandhi in Lok Sabha.