Punjabi sensation Diljit Dosanjh performed for a packed venue in Chandigarh on Saturday and while at it, he left his fans shocked and heartbroken after he announced that he will not perform in India again. The singer blamed the poor infrastructure for his decision and urged authorities to arrange better facilities as the concert industry is on the rise in the country.
As Diljit wrapped up his concert in Chandigarh, he addressed the government and authorities and stated that it should focus on improving the infrastructure for concerts and gigs as the industry is now growing in the country. “I want to tell the authorities that we don’t have the infrastructure for live shows here. This is a huge revenue generating system and so many people are working here. Please, look into this,” he said.
“I’ll try that next time we set up a stage in the centre so that all of you can be around me. Until that happens, I am not going to perform in India. So please, I request the administration to work on the infrastructure,” he added.
On Monday, filmmaker Imtiaz Ali shared a video on his Instagram stories in which a fan was seen climbing a tree to witness Diljit’s concert in Chandigarh. Not just that, but he also shared a video in which young fans were seen dancing on the street outside the concert venue. “Chamkila effect,” he wrote.
Post his earlier concerts too, several members from the audience took to social media to complain about the crowd and mismanagement at the concert venues. People also stated that despite shelling out big monies for the tickets, they could not catch a glimpse of the singer as the stage was too far, and the venue too crowded.
Diljit will next perform in Mumbai on December 19, followed by his final performance of the Dil-Luminati India tour in Guwahati on December 29.