The Gamdevi Police successfully apprehended two accused from West Bengal using their own tactics to lure and arrest them. The arrested individuals have been identified as Shehnaz Taj and Zeeshan Sattar Siddiqui.

According to the police, on November 7, the duo placed an order worth ₹3.79 lakh at the Croma Store near Breach Candy Hospital. The order included premium Apple products such as iPhones, adapters, and smartwatches. Their modus operandi involved providing an address and promising payment via cheque at the time of delivery. They convinced the store of the cheque’s credibility, but later, the cheque bounced, leaving the payment incomplete.

Both suspects hailed from West Bengal. To apprehend them, the police posed as fake customers and contacted the duo, expressing interest in directly purchasing mobile phones. Once the location for the transaction was fixed, the police arrested Zeeshan Sattar Siddiqui. Following his interrogation, Shehnaz Taj was also nabbed.

Highly Educated Accused: The police revealed that both accused are well-educated. Shehnaz Taj holds an MBA, while Zeeshan Siddiqui has a BSc degree.

Similar Frauds in Goa and West Bengal: A senior police officer disclosed, “They are habitual offenders with cases of similar fraud registered against them at Madgaon Police Station in Goa and Shakespeare Sarani Police Station in West Bengal. Their strategy involved targeting high-end stores in various cities, placing orders for expensive products like phones or gold, and promising cheque payments. The stores were misled into believing the payment was complete due to credit entries, only to discover later that the cheques had bounced.”

Catching them in a new territory was challenging, but with assistance from Garden Reach Police Station, the Gamdevi Police successfully arrested the duo.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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