Mumbai: Gamdevi Police have successfully apprehended a man involved in an obscene act targeting a 20-year-old College girl in a shared taxi. The accused, identified as Deendayal Motiram Singh (27), was arrested from his native village in Uttar Pradesh after a detailed investigation by Gamdevi Police.

About The Incident

According to police, The incident occurred on November 30 between 12:35 PM and 12:50 PM, while the victim was traveling in a shared taxi from Kambala Hill Bus Stop to Grant Road Railway Station. The accused, aged between 20 and 25 at the time, allegedly followed the complainant and engaged in vulgar behavior by touching his private parts and making obscene gestures at her.

This act deeply humiliated the victim and violated her dignity. During the journey, an unidentified co-passenger masturbates in front of the student. The entire incident was recorded by the student’s friend, who was also in the taxi, and the footage went viral on social media. The police then approached the victim, who filed a complaint on December 12, 2024, leading to the registration of a case under Sections 78(1) and 79 of the BNS Act at Gamdevi Police Station.

The case came to light on December 11, 2024, when victim’s friend uploaded a video of the incident on Social media handle. Following senior officers’ orders, Gamdevi Police swiftly analyzed the video, and traced the victim. To identify the accused, the police formed four teams and conducted a technical investigation. They reviewed extensive CCTV footage from the crime route, which eventually helped identify the accused.

Accused Runs To His Hometown In Uttar Pradesh

After committing the crime, the accused fled to his hometown in Bamnaitala, Agra district, Uttar Pradesh. Acting on this information, a police team traveled to Uttar Pradesh, apprehended the accused, and brought him back to Mumbai. The accused had been residing in the Sion-Koliwada area of Mumbai for last decade. He worked as a vendor selling farsan (savory snacks) in Colaba, Grant Road, and Breach Candy. The accused has been presented before the court, and further legal action is underway.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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