In a tragic accident, a bus carrying Sabarimala pilgrims collided with a car in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala, killing four members of a family, including a newly married couple. The accident occurred on the Punalur-Muvattupuzha state highway around 5 am on Saturday.

Three people died on the spot

According to local people, after the accident, the passengers in the car were taken out of the badly damaged vehicle. Police said three people died on the spot, while the fourth person died on the way to the hospital.

The bus involved in the accident was carrying Sabarimala pilgrims from Telangana. However, none of the passengers on board the bus were injured.

Newly married couple was returning from honeymoon trip

Preliminary investigation revealed that the newly married couple in the car were recently returning after honeymoon in Malaysia. This tragic accident happened just 10 kilometers away from his home.

Police registered the case

Police have registered a case of the accident and are investigating the cause of the accident. This accident has left the family and the local community in deep shock.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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