Former Deputy Prime Minister of the country and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Lal Krishna Advani is undergoing treatment at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi. He is currently under the observation of doctors and his health is said to be stable. His health was not well for the last two weeks, due to which he was admitted to the hospital.

Advani under the supervision of doctors in ICU

In the health bulletin issued by Indraprastha Apollo Hospital on Saturday, it was told that Lal Krishna Advani has been kept in ICU for medical management and examination. He is being treated under the supervision of senior neurologist Dr. Vineet Suri.

However, the hospital has not clarified why he was admitted to the ICU. According to sources, 97-year-old Advani was brought to the hospital two days ago. Earlier in August 2023 also, Advani was admitted to Apollo Hospital. Even then he was under the observation of Dr. Vineet Suri and after improvement in his health, he was discharged.

Had health problems earlier also

Earlier, on the night of 26 June 2023, he was admitted to the Urology Department of Delhi AIIMS. There he was treated under the supervision of Dr. Amlesh Seth and was discharged the next day.

Political life of Lal Krishna Advani

Lal Krishna Advani was born on 8 November 1927 in Karachi (now in Pakistan). He celebrated his 97th birthday this year. Advani started his public life in 1942 as a volunteer with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Tenure as BJP President:

  • Advani was the national president of BJP three times:
    • 1986 to 1990
    • 1993 to 1998
    • 2004 to 2005

Important posts:

  • Served as Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government from 1999 to 2005.
  • In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, BJP declared him as its Prime Ministerial candidate, although the party did not win.

honored with Bharat Ratna

LK Advani was awarded the Bharat Ratna by President Draupadi Murmu on 30 March 2024 for his unprecedented political contribution.

Advani’s contribution to BJP

  • Advani has been the leader who has been the longest serving president of BJP.
  • He played an important role in strengthening the roots of the party and giving recognition to BJP at the national level.
  • The Ram Janmabhoomi movement and many important political changes took place under his leadership.

respected leader in public life

Lal Krishna Advani is considered a respected and inspirational leader in Indian politics. His contribution will always be remembered, and people across the country are concerned about his health and are wishing for his speedy recovery.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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