Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you are both mentally and physically drained and you seriously do not have it in you to be a social bee at work or for that matter even work? Despite all this, you decide to appear normal, happy, and focused! This phenomenon is called ‘pleasenteeism’. It is the act of pretending to be cheerful and engaged at work while hiding stress, exhaustion, or dissatisfaction. It’s a growing issue in workplaces across the world, often leading to serious mental health challenges if left unaddressed.
Pleasenteeism arises from a variety of workplace pressures. Employees may feel they need to maintain a positive attitude to avoid being judged or seen as unprofessional. In competitive workplaces, there is often an unspoken expectation to always appear enthusiastic and productive. Organisations expect the employees to ‘crush it’ and ‘kill it’ every single day often ignoring the fact that employees are human beings with beating hearts and other worldly problems in their lives.
According to Ramesh Mehta, an IT professional in his mid-thirties, “I’ve learned to keep smiling, even on days when I feel completely burned out. Everyone else seems to be handling it, so I don’t want to seem like I’m the weak link.” This pressure to conform to a culture of constant positivity can make it difficult for employees to express genuine emotions or ask for help.
Pleasenteeism affecting work efficiency and mental health
The constant masking of true feelings can take a heavy toll on mental health. Employees who engage in pleasenteeism often experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety. They might feel isolated, believing their struggles are unworthy of attention. Over a time, this can lead to burnout, depression, and decreased job satisfaction.
Irrfan Sayeed, a senior project manager at a corporate firm, describes how pleasenteeism has started to affect his work performance: “I’m responsible for leading multiple projects, and while I’m always outwardly upbeat in meetings, the stress of juggling everything is catching up to me. I’ve started making small mistakes, forgetting deadlines or missing details. I’m mentally drained but I am not comfortable admitting it.” Here, Irrfan’s need to appear professional and in control prevents him from seeking the support he desperately needs.
Forcing oneself to work while mentally unwell can worsen feelings of stress and anxiety, creating a longer recovery period and deepening the emotional strain. Constantly showing up despite feeling unwell may lead individuals to suppress their emotions, diminishing their sense of self-worth and increasing feelings of hopelessness. No matter how positive you force yourself to feel only because you want to be a part of the ‘hustle-culture’, you cannot put on the show for long. It will either affect your physical health or drain you mentally.
Is there hope?
Employers should create an environment where mental health is openly discussed and prioritised. This includes training managers to recognise signs of distress and encouraging employees to take breaks without stigma. Encouraging employees to disconnect after work hours and take vacations can prevent feelings of overcommitment. Work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can also help reduce stress. It is also important to give the employees confidence that they are welcome to share their problems with the HR or management.
Regular one-on-one check-ins and an open-door policy can help create a safe space for such conversations. Knowing that their exhaustion will be understood and will not be seen as a weakness or an excuse to avoid work can help people relax, rejuvenate, and get back to work with a fresh and creative mind, and more efficiency.
Pleasenteesim has lasted in every workspace since time unknown. Only that it has not been spoken of. Yet! With mental health awareness taking centre stage at workplaces, it has now become easier to express and reach out for help if required. In the end, it’s not about just showing up-it’s about showing up in the best state to contribute meaningfully, and that begins with taking care of oneself.