Telugu superstar Allu Arjun walked out of jail on Saturday morning (December 14), less than 24 hours after being arrested in Sandhya Theatre stampede case. The actor was held from his Hyderabad residence on Friday afternoon and was taken to Chanchalguda Central Jail after medical tests. He spent the night in prison, despite getting interim bail from Telangana High Court due to delay in paperwork.
Here’s how Allu Arjun spent night in jail
According to a post shared by Telugu Scribe on X (formerly known as Twitter), Allu Arjun was prisoner number 7697.
The actor reportedly slept on the floor in Chanchalguda jail the whole night and he did not eat anything. It is also said that as an undertrial prisoner, the police kept him in a Class-1 room at Manjira Barracks.
Allu Arjun released
After spending the night in the local prison, the actor walked out of jail, following an interim bail granted by the Telangana High Court. He had to spend Friday night in prison despite the HC relief, as the authorities had not received a copy of the bail order until late last night.
The actor’s lawyer, Ashok Reddy, told reporters that the prison authorities did not release the actor despite having got the High Court order copy.
“You should question the government and the department why they have not released the accused. The High Court order is very specific. Forthwith, the moment you (prison authorities) receive the order, ( they should) release him. Despite the clear order, they have not released, they have to answer. This is an illegal detention. We will take legal steps,” Reddy said.
According to him, Arjun was kept in the jail as a “special category prisoner”.
The Pushpa 2: The Rule actor was arrested from his residence on Friday afternoon, in connection with the death of a 35-year-old woman in stampede case. After the arrest he was produced in a local court which remanded him to 14-day judicial custody. However, his lawyers moved the HC and secured interim bail.
Sandhya theatre stampede
The victim’seight-year-old son was hospitalised on December 4 after the stampede. Hundreds of fans jostled to have a glimpse of the actor at the premiere of the blockbuster Pushpa 2: The Rule.
Following the incident, the city police registered a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management under different sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at the Chikkadpally police station based on the complaint lodged by the deceased woman’s family.