Dehradun, 13 December (HS). Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday participated in the India Economic Conclave 2024 event, where he stressed on the state’s continued development and achievements under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Chief Minister said that the Prime Minister described Uttarakhand as the decade of the 21st century and the state government is working rapidly in this direction.

The Chief Minister specifically announced the target of doubling the state’s GSDP in the next five years and said that Uttarakhand ranks first in the Sustainable Development Goals released by NITI Aayog. He also informed about the decline in unemployment rate to 4.4%, which is an important step towards the economic progress of the state.

Strong identity of Uttarakhand in New Delhi

The Chief Minister described the construction of Delhi-Dehradun elevated road as an important progress step, due to which the travel distance between the two cities can now be covered in just two and a half hours. This project will not only provide a better transportation network to Uttarakhand, but will also give a new identity to the state in the field of tourism and trade. The Chief Minister further said that despite the disaster this year, 46 lakh devotees reached Uttarakhand during the Char Dham Yatra, which shows the tourism potential and attraction of the state. The grand reconstruction work of Kedarnath Dham under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi creates a new hope in the tourism sector of the state.

Sustainable development in the state by following rules

The Chief Minister said that all land related rules will be followed by the state government and strict action will be taken against those who are misusing the land. He clarified that people creating employment in the state and following the rules will get full help and support.

Launch of winter travel, introduction of new tourism measures

The Chief Minister also announced the beginning of winter tourism in the state, which will boost tourism in Uttarakhand and boost the local economy.

Uniform Civil Code will soon be implemented in Uttarakhand

The Chief Minister also informed in the program that UCC (Uniform Civil Code) will soon be implemented in Uttarakhand, which will ensure compliance with uniform laws in the state. The Chief Minister invited all the people present in the program to come to Uttarakhand and called upon them to become participants in the development works taking place in the state.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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