Lucknow, 13 December (HS). Railways’ Malkit Singh entered the quarter-finals of the Tanuj Kohli Memorial North India Open snooker tournament after registering a win with his second century break of the tournament. Along with this, Shahzeb Saifi and Mohammad Arbaaz of Meerut, Luv Kukreja of Delhi, Digvijay Kadian and Divya Sharma of Haryana, India’s second ranked player Paras Gupta of Agra and Vinayak Agarwal of Prayagraj also entered the quarter-finals with victory. Pre quarter final matches were played in the tournament organized at Green Badge Snooker Academy Faizabad Road, Lucknow under the auspices of UPBSA (Uttar Pradesh Billiards and Snooker Association). Shahzeb Saifi of Meerut defeated former 6 Red Snooker World Champion and Indian Oil Corporation’s Laxman Rawat 4-2.

Malkit Singh of Lucknow, representing Railways, won 4-0 against Akshay Kumar, also of Lucknow. Malkit took a 2-0 lead in this match. Then in the third frame, despite Akshay’s lead of 47 points, Malkit surprised with a break of 87. Malkit won the match with a brilliant break of 131 in the fourth frame. This is the second century break of the tournament and the highest scoring break so far. In the first match of the day, Luv Kukreja of Delhi defeated Shwetabh Dixit of Lucknow 4-1. Luv Kukreja took the lead by winning the first two frames. Due to his mistake in the third frame, Shwetabh won and the score was 2-1. However, Love won the next two frames and secured a quarter-final ticket.

In the third match, Digvijay Kadian of Haryana defeated Sameer Ahmed of Delhi 4-0. Digvijay dominated the match with consecutive breaks of 65 and 43 in the second and third frames and secured an easy victory. In the fourth match, Mohammad Arbaaz of Meerut got a walkover as his opponent Ayush Mittal of Lucknow withdrew from the match due to injury. In the fifth match, Divya Sharma of Haryana defeated Shoaib Khan of Delhi 4-2. Divya trailed 2-1 in the first two frames. However, Divya played impressively and won three consecutive frames and came back to win the match 4-2. In the sixth match, Shahzeb Saifi of Meerut defeated Laxman Rawat of Indian Oil 4-2. Laxman got off to a bad start and fell 3-0 down. He came back and won the next two frames. However, Shahzeb displayed composure and won the match 4–2.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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