Patna: Patna DM Dr Chandrashekhar Singh slapped a Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) aspirant who was protesting outside an examination centre in Patna, Bihar on Friday, December 13. A video of the incident has also gone viral on social media. Today was the first day of the BPSC exam which was held across various centres in a single shift from 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM.
According to reports, candidates were creating ruckus outside the Bapu Examination Complex in Patna over alleged paper leak. This instigated Singh who then slapped a protesting student.
BPSC protest
Aspirants were also protesting earlier outside the BPSC headquarters demanding no normalisation method. After which, the BPSC chairman then released a release stating that no normalisation will be carried out. Aspirants also demanded an extension of the registration period stating that many students were not able to fill the form due to technical errors.
The tension further heightened after the arrest of educator and youtuber Faizal Khan, popularly known as Khan sir.
According to various reports, Khan sir demanded that the BPSC chairman issue a statement rejecting the use of the “normalisation process” for the test and also asked for an extension of the exam date because several applicants had faced technical difficulties.