Mahakumbh Nagar, December 13Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Friday, offered prayers at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj, seeking blessings for the successful organization of the upcoming Maha Kumbh, set to take place from January 13 to February 26. On this occasion, PM Modi performed the ‘aarti’ of the Triveni—the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers—praying for global welfare and harmony.

The rituals were conducted by ‘Tirth Purohits’ amidst the resonant chanting of Vedic mantras. He also offered Akshat, Chandan, Roli, flowers, and traditional clothing at the Triveni as part of the ceremony. Before the rituals, PM Modi sought the blessings of prominent saints.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Governor Anandiben Patel accompanied the Prime Minister during the event.

Prime Minister Modi arrived at the Sangam Nose aboard the Nishadraj Cruise, boarding it via the floating jetty at Kila Ghat. Clad in a white kurta-pajama, blue jacket, and a maroon shawl, he admired the serene Yamuna waves while standing on the cruise deck. He took a stroll on the river cruise, observing the surrounding area.

Upon arrival at Sangam Nose, CM Yogi and Governor Anandiben Patel extended a warm welcome. PM Modi also interacted with saints, greeting them with respect. A saint presented him with a pearl garland as a token of blessings.

The Prime Minister then proceeded to a specially constructed pandal at Sangam Nose, where he was seated by the pilgrim priests.

CM Yogi and Governor Anandiben Patel sat alongside him. Amid the chanting of Vedic mantras by the Tirth Purohits, PM Modi performed rituals that included Jalabhishek and Dudhbhishek of the Triveni. Following this, he performed the Sangam Aarti with great reverence.

PM Modi also participated in a photoshoot in the beautifully adorned courtyard, marking the solemn and memorable occasion.

Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya, Brajesh Pathak, and Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh were also present during this event.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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