On Friday, Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun was arrested from his Hyderabad residence in connection with the tragic stampede that occurred at Sandhya Theatre on December 4 during the premiere of his recently released film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. The incident claimed the life of 35-year-old Revathi and left her 13-year-old son injured.

Now, Varun Dhawan has come out in support of Allu Arjun and stated that the actor can’t be blamed for everything. At Baby John’s promotions in Jaipur, Dhawan said, “Safety protocols are not something that an actor can take on himself. We can tell people around us.”

Further explaining how movie theatre chain Cinepolis managed the arrangements for his film’s promotions, Dhawan added, “I can talk about this only; Cinepolis has made a very good arrangement here, and we are grateful to them for that. And the incident that took place is very painful.”

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Several videos doing the rounds on social media show, Allu Arjun dressed in Pushpa 2 merchandise and sipping a coffee. He also expressed disappointment with the way cops were trying to arrest him. “Coming here and taking me is not a problem, sir. But stepping into the bedroom is a bit too much. I am telling you, this isn’t a good thing,” he was heard telling a police official.

His father and well-known filmmaker Allu Arvind, wife Sneha Reddy and other family members were also present when he was arrested.

Earlier, Arjun addressed the tragic incident and assured that he would be donating Rs 25 lakh to the grieving family. He said, “Deeply heartbroken by the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre. My heartfelt condolences go out to the grieving family during this unimaginably difficult time. I want to assure them they are not alone in this pain and will meet the family personally. While respecting their need for space to grieve, I stand committed to extend every possible assistance to help them navigate through this challenging journey.”

“We’d like to tell you that we are there for you. I’d like to donate an amount of Rs 25 lakhs. It’s just a goodwill gesture to secure their future,” he added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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