The two-day software edition of the Smart India Hackathon 2024, hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Tirupati, concluded on Thursday. The event began on December 11 and saw 22 teams of six students and two mentors competing in a 36-hour coding marathon. The hackathon focused on solving real-world problems related to the AYUSH sector, providing innovative solutions to improve its efficiency and address its challenges.

Problem Statements Addressing Real-World Challenges

The event featured teams working on problem statements provided by the Ministry of AYUSH, including:

Creating a secure portal for AYUSH startup registrations

Designing an educational platform to showcase medicinal plants

Automating the preparation of annual reports for educational institutions

Developing a system to track and visualize innovation within institutions

These solutions aimed to bridge traditional practices with modern technological requirements, fostering data-driven decision-making in both the AYUSH and education sectors.

Winning Solutions & Teams

Several teams were recognized for their innovative solutions:

Team Kode Crafts won for their creation of a Comprehensive AYUSH Startup Registration Portal, streamlining and securing the registration process for AYUSH startups, making it more transparent and accessible.

Joint Winners for the problem statement on Innovation Excellence Indicators:

Team Sahvrindam, led by Parnika Patil, created a system to track and visualize innovation metrics such as research outputs, patents, and grants, helping institutions make data-driven decisions.

Team Carbon Daters, led by Kaushal Vyas, offered actionable insights into institutional research performance, enhancing innovation outcomes.

Team Stack Squad, led by C.B. Susmitha, won for their Virtual Herbal Garden solution, an interactive platform showcasing medicinal plants used in traditional healthcare systems like Ayurveda and Yoga.

Team Pragati Mitra, led by Swetha R., developed a Annual Report Portal that simplifies the process of preparing and organizing departmental reports in educational institutions, improving administrative efficiency.

Valedictory Function & Recognition

The hackathon concluded with a valedictory function attended by key dignitaries, including Professor K.N. Satyanarayana, Director of IIT Tirupati, and Chief Guest Professor R.V. Kumar, Vice Chancellor of SVIMS Tirupati. Rakesh Kumar Gunju, Assistant Director at AICTE, also participated in honoring the winners. Each of the winning teams was recognized for their outstanding contributions to improving processes within the AYUSH sector and educational institutions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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