Actress Sai Pallavi, who is all set to mark her Bollywood debut with Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, co-starring Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, lashed out at a media portal on late Wednesday night, after a report claimed that she has turned vegetarian for her role of Goddess Sita.

The report claimed that Sai Pallavi has “vowed” to not touch non vegetarian food until the conclusion of Ramayana’s shoot. It stated that the actress has been taking her chef along with her while travelling abroad to cook vegetarian food and that she eats veg food even at restaurants.

However, the report did not go down well with Sai Pallavi, who called the claims untrue, and warned of legal action. The actress, who usually never reacts to rumours and chatter about her, took to her X handle and wrote, “Most of the times, Almost every-time, I choose to stay silent whenever I see baseless rumours/ fabricated lies/ incorrect statements being spread with or without motives (God knows) but it’s high-time that I react as it keeps happening consistently and doesn’t seem to cease; especially around the time of my films’ releases/ announcements/ cherish-able moments of my career! (sic).”

“Next time I see any “reputed” page or media/ individual carrying a cooked up crappy story in the name of news or gossip then you will hear from me legally! Period!” she added.

It is to be noted that earlier, reports had gone viral claiming that Ranbir Kapoor has decided to abstain from alcohol and non vegetarian food as he will essay the role of Lord Ram in Ramayana.

Ramayana is all set to release in two parts. The first part will hit the silver screens in 2026, while the second part will release in 2027. If reports are to be believed, the shooting for the first part has already concluded, and the cast will begin shooting the second part soon.

KGF star Yash will be seen playing the demon king Ravana in the film, while Sunny Deol will reportedly play Lord Hanuman. Actor Ravi Dubey will play Lakshman in the film.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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