Khargone (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav attended the closing ceremony of the Rural Technology National Conference, hosted by Nimar Abhyudaya Sansthan in Lepa village. The event, spanning three days, focused on the importance of rural technology and its potential to transform village life.

In a significant infrastructure announcement, the Chief Minister revealed plans to construct a bridge over the Veda River between Tigriav and Bamhangaon, which will enhance connectivity in the region. The bridge would also facilitate efficient travel for villagers.

Highlighting the significance of agriculture and cow rearing, CM Yadav said, “Development of villages will happen only with the ideals of Lord Krishna. Farming is not possible without cows, which have been an integral part of our ancient culture.” His remarks underscored the need to revive traditional practices to ensure sustainable agricultural development.

He also highlighted the importance of education in rural development, noting the impact of the institute’s efforts over the past 19 years. He praised the conference as a platform for generating ideas that will foster the growth of rural technology and create employment opportunities in the villages.

During the ceremony, he recognised the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in promoting rural technology and enhancing India’s global standing, saying, “Our country is going through a golden period.” He expressed a commitment to progress, urging attendees not to become complacent but to strive for continuous advancement.

The event saw participation from various dignitaries, including organisation minister Hitanand Sharma, institute’s president Lalita Deshpande besides other leaders. This successful conference marks a significant step towards enhancing rural technology and uplifting village communities through innovative approaches and traditional values.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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