Mumbai: The Kurla Police have arrested Sanjay More, a 54-year-old driver with the Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST), in connection with the horrific bus accident that occurred on December 9. He faces charges of culpable homicide, and the court has ordered his remand to police custody until December 21 to assist in the ongoing investigation.

The case was initiated following a complaint lodged by Police Sub-Inspector Prashant Chavan, 35, from the Kurla Police Station. Based on the complaint, charges were registered under sections 105, 110, 118(1), 118(2), and 324(5) of the Bombay Non-Motorable Roadways (BNS) Act.

More was arrested and presented before Magistrate S.M. Gaurgonde in Court No. 51 of the Kurla Magistrate Court on the afternoon of December 10. During the hearing, both the prosecution and defense presented their arguments regarding his alleged culpability and the need for further investigation. After deliberation, Magistrate Gaurgonde granted police custody of the accused until December 21.

The incident resulted in the death of seven individuals and left over 30 others injured. Police are examining the accident bus in collaboration with the transportation department. They are also investigating whether More was under the influence of intoxicants at the time of the incident.

Police’s Clever Strategy To Escort Accused Driver

In a bid to protect BEST bus driver Sanjay More from an enraged crowd and to maintain law and order following the horrific Kurla bus accident, the police devised a smart plan.

According to sources, immediately after the accident, tensions were running high as a furious mob gathered at the scene. To prevent any untoward incidents, the police swiftly removed More’s bus driver’s uniform and made him wear a plain black T-shirt belonging to a constable.

The disguise allowed the police to quietly escort More through the crowd without raising suspicion. Instead of taking him directly to the Kurla Police Station, the authorities transported him to an undisclosed location for safety. This quick thinking not only ensured the driver’s safety but also helped maintain public order amidst the chaos.

7 Dead, 42 injured In Horiffic Crash

The tragic BEST bus accident in Kurla on the night of December 9 claimed the lives of seven individuals, while 42 others sustained injuries. The incident occurred when the bus lost control and plowed through a crowded area, causing widespread devastation.

Emergency services rushed the injured to Sion and Bhabha hospitals for treatment. The driver, Sanjay More, has been arrested and charged under multiple sections of the law, including culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

The deceased in the accident are: Kaniz Ansari (55), Afreen Shah (19), Anam Sheikh (20), Shivam Kashyap (18), Vijay Gaikwad (70), Farukh Chowdhury (54) and Kaniz Fatima (38).

Depot Closed Amidst Protests

In the aftermath, the Kurla BEST Depot remained closed on Tuesday, with protests erupting against the administration. Police cordoned off the area to maintain law and order.

This accident highlights systemic issues in BEST’s operations, with calls for accountability and structural reforms growing louder.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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