A woman from Byculla has filed a police complaint after her WhatsApp account was hacked, and fraudsters used her identity to request money from her contacts. According to police officials, the woman’s husband is IPS officer Krishna Prakash.
The incident occurred on the morning of November 6 when the woman received a WhatsApp message from a contact listed as “Naisha’s Mom,” asking her to forward a six-digit code that had been sent to her by mistake. Trusting the sender, the woman forwarded the code, which led to her receiving multiple verification codes linked to her WhatsApp account. Shortly afterward, she found that she had been logged out of her account and was unable to regain access despite several attempts.
Around 11:45 AM, her husband, IPS officer Krishna Prakash, received a similar message from her hacked account, asking for the six-digit code. Another message followed on his alternate number, requesting money with the explanation that her account was not working and that she needed cash, promising to repay within two days.
Realising that her account had been hacked, the woman called “Naisha’s Mom” to verify the situation and discovered that this contact’s account had also been compromised. The fraudsters had used her WhatsApp to send similar messages to several of her contacts, asking for money. One acquaintance received such a message on December 7 at 11:00 AM, along with a Google Pay number to send the funds.
The woman immediately approached Byculla Police Station and filed a complaint, providing screenshots of the fraudulent messages sent from her account to her husband and other contacts.