A 65-year-old woman, who was a volunteer at the Shri Anandpur Math in Vashi Sector-14, was severely beaten by her son, who then stole Rs 5.5 lakh rupees in cash that she had saved. The son, Dipak Dharmveer Sobti (34), has been arrested by Vashi police on charges of robbery and causing grievous hurt. The police have also seized 1.5 lakh rupees in cash from him. The court has remanded him to two days of police custody.

The complainant, Premlata Dharmveer Sobti (65), worked as a volunteer at the Shri Anandpur Math in MG Complex, Vashi Sector-14, and she lived there as well. Her son, Dipak Sobti, also lived at the same Math and was addicted to alcohol. On Monday, around 2am, Sobti entered the Math and verbally abused his mother. “He then severely assaulted his mother, snatched her mobile phone, and proceeded to open a wooden cupboard in the Math, where she had stored around Rs 5.5 lakh rupees in cash, which he stole,” a police officer from Vashi police station said.

After injuring his mother, the accused threatened to kill her and fled the scene. After being injured in the assault, the complainant sought medical treatment and later filed a complaint against her son at the Vashi police station. Following the complaint, the police filed a case of robbery and causing grievous hurt and arrested Dipak Sobti on Monday afternoon. They also seized about 1.5 lakh rupees in cash from him. “He deposited the rest of the money into his bank account. He wanted to buy a new phone and alcohol out of the money and hence he stole them. He had always been abusive with his mother. Unable to tolerate the behaviour anymore, she finally registered a case against her son,” the police officer said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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