Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is going to discuss the modalities of restarting government bus services with the officers of the transport department on Wednesday. How the buses will be operated in the state will figure in the talks. Because of some legal issues, the State Transport Corporation cannot be restarted.

The government will form a new company to operate buses. Plans are afoot to operate buses through PPP mode, and a further action on the matter will be taken after the Chief Minister’s approval. A holding company will be set up on the pattern of urban companies being run from cities. Yadav wants the buses to run from the urban areas as well as from the rural areas.

So, routes will also be prepared in rural areas so that the buses may be run from there. After the routes are drawn, the work on issuing permits will begin. The Urban Development Department and the Transport Department will work together on this project. Bus stands will also be set up. To run buses, the infrastructure will have to be set up in districts. At the meeting Yadav will also be informed about the difficulties that may crop up in running buses in the future.

The buses running through PPP mode may cause tension to private operators. The government is also preparing for it. Once Yadav approves it, a proposal will be put up before the cabinet for setting up a company. According to sources, the government may take one year to launch the bus service. The project may start from Ujjain division.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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