Narsinghpur. A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in Narsinghpur district of Madhya Pradesh, where a man packed 5 puppies in a cardboard box and threw them in the premises of the Gram Panchayat building, resulting in their death. After receiving information about this inhuman act, the police have registered a case against the accused.

incident details

According to the police, this incident took place in Mehragaon, where a person named Phula Kahar locked five puppies in a cardboard box and threw them in the Gram Panchayat building premises. The puppies died due to lack of oxygen and water. Gram Panchayat Sarpanch Maya Vishwakarma informed the police about the incident.

Police took action

Police officer Shivraj Patel Told that on the basis of the complaint of Sarpanch Maya Vishwakarma, a case has been registered against the accused Phula Kahar.

Sections registered against the accused:

  • Section 325 of the Indian Judicial Code (BNS) A case has been registered under.
  • this section mischief to kill or maim an animal Is related to.
  • If found guilty of this crime Jail up to five years, fine, or both Can happen.

Role of PETA India

animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India Cooperated with the police in taking action in this case.

Virendra Singh, Cruelty Response Coordinator, PETA India Said:

“People who abuse animals often end up harming humans too. “For everyone’s safety, it is important that people report such incidents to police and cooperate in reporting animal cruelty.”

Need for strictness on cruelty towards animals

This incident highlights the lack of awareness and sensitivity towards animal rights. Ensuring strict action and punishment in cases of cruelty to animals can prevent such acts.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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