No-confidence motion against Dhankhar: The opposition has presented a no-confidence motion against Rajya Sabha Speaker Jagdeep Dhankhar. The Congress-backed India Alliance has accused Dhankhar of discriminating between the ruling party and the opposition. She has also moved a no-confidence motion claiming that she is trying to suppress the voice of the opposition in the current session.
It is being told that 70 MPs have agreed to this no-confidence motion. For the first time in the history of the country, a no-confidence motion has been brought against the Chairman of Rajya Sabha by any party. MPs from Congress, Trinamool Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and Samajwadi Party moved the no-confidence motion under Article 67 (B) of the Constitution.
Today again due to the uproar by the opposition and the ruling party regarding George Soros and Adani, the proceedings of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha were adjourned till Wednesday. Yesterday on December 9, BJP accused opposition leader Rahul Gandhi of joining hands with George Soros to allegedly destabilize India. On the other hand, the opposition is demanding action on the allegations made by America on the Adani issue.